Thursday, September 26, 2013

Advice for Families with a Suffering Addict

Many things families do reflexively when dealing with a family member with drug and alcohol problems are understandable, but may be more harmful than beneficial. These strategies include, but are not limited to: giving ultimatums, nagging or threatening people doesn't work very well. Instead, Dr. Galant has other, more beneficial means of getting people to accept they need treatment. First, getting an addict to weigh the pros and cons of their behavior, performing a cost benefit analysis, may be helpful in opening their eyes to what's really going on. Another strategy is to reward the right behaviors. Instead of rewarding negative behavior with attention, reward people with dependency issues with praise and encouragement when they indicate an interest in seeking recovery. Lastly, using the equivalent of a "time-out" for kids with those that engage in drug or alcohol use in encouraged. When people engage in these activities, remove yourself from the equation, do not participate in their activities let them know that if they want to use, you won't be there.

If you or someone you know is suffering from addiction please call 866-434-2630 or visit

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